Our Services

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Comprehensive Training and Legislative Advocacy For Vermont’s Towing Industry

From in-depth training and education to member discounts, we’re here to help you uplevel your towing business. See how a Vermont Towing Association membership can help you get the resources and support you need to grow your career.

Classes and Training For Tow Companies

Try classes and training opportunities designed to help tow companies uplevel their skills and stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends. From roadside safety to towing techniques, our training programs are designed to help you succeed.

Member Discounts

As a member, you’ll have access to exclusive discounts on training, classes, vendors, and more. We work hard to make it easier for you to stay current on the industry techniques and best practices–without breaking the bank.

Member-Exclusive Vendor Access

Our members enjoy access to industry-leading vendors and partners like Haas Alert, RoadSync, and many more! With our vendor partnerships, you’ll have access to the tools and resources you need to take your towing business to the next level.

Our partners include industry leaders like:

Explore our website to discover our resources, in-depth training, and legislative advocacy, and become a member today to access your exclusive benefits and discounts. Slow down, move over, and join Vermont Towing Association today.

Classes and Training For Tow Companies

Member Discounts

Member-Exclusive Vendor Access


1066 Hinman Settler Road,
Brownington VT 05860